Avocado Face Mask: For Glowing Skin!

I can't take all of the credit for this BANGIN' and ultra hydrating avocado face mask! Women in my family have been using avocado for sustenance and beauty products for generations. Growing up aguacate or avocado was a must with our rice, beans, and steak with onions.


My mother and grandmother grew up in Puerto Rico where avocados were readily available and eaten on a daily basis. They brought this tradition with them to the U.S. and I was fortunate to eat traditional home-cooked meals, including my adored aguacate, every single day. Avocados were not only a staple in our delicious meals but on our body and hair as well!

As a health coach and skin care artisan I always incorporate healthy foods into my skin care regimen because what I've always known! For this avocado face mask you will need the following ingredients:

Avocado Face Mask
  • 1/2 Ripe Avocado

  • 1/4 Plain Yogurt

  • 1/2 Ripe Banana

  • 2 Tablespoons Manuka Honey

  • One Egg White

You didn't think I'd let you go without dishing out some of the amazing benefits of this Avocado face mask, would you? Below are some of the benefit of my hydrating and revitalizing avocado face mask.

Avocado Face Mask
  1. Avocado is loaded with free radical quenching antioxidants! I'm talking Vitamin E, beta carotene, and zeaxanthin in addition to containing high levels of Vitamin C and a ton of monounsaturated fatty acids. All of which protect your skin from the environmental exposure that causes fine lines and wrinkles.

  2. Yogurt is antibacterial, extremely hydrating and known to rejuvenate the skin. It gently exfoliates leaving a natural glow and preventing future breakouts. Yogurt prevents skin discoloration and signs of early aging.

  3. Banana is high in anti-oxidants and phytochemicals that nourish dry skin while also smoothing rough and aging skin. It's perfect for acne-prone and oily skin as it controls oil production and reduces breakouts. Bananas are also known for lightening skin discoloration and signs of hyper-pigmentation.

  4. Manuka honey is cultivated from bees that feed on the manuka shrub in New Zealand's North Island. It contains higher levels of therapeutic properties than other forms of honey and is also anti-inflammatory. Raw manuka honey heals skin, treats acne, hydrates and is anti-aging. It can be used as a dark spot treatment as well as a cleanser and in masks.

  5. Egg white tightens and minimize the appearance of pores by deeply cleansing them. It not only prevents acne but removes blackheads while combating oily skin.

Avocado Face Mask

Now that you know all of the benefits of using this delicious avocado face mask, let's get to making it!

  1. Carve 1/2 of a ripe avocado and mask it well.

  2. Add 1/4 of a cup of yogurt and wipe it real good!

  3. Add 1/2 of a ripe banana and mix thoroughly.

  4. Add 2 tablespoons of manuka honey.

  5. Crack egg, only adding the egg white to the mixture.

  6. Wipe all ingredients together until smooth!

  7. Apply to face with clean brush or hands avoiding your eye area.

  8. Let it simmer for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

  9. Enjoy baby smooth skin!

I know this avocado face mask looks good enough to eat, but trust me when I say it will do wonders for your face. I recommend you follow up your face mask with an organic moisturizer such as one of the SunKiss Moisturizer Serum, and rock out with GLOWING SKIN!

Did you try the recipe and absolutely fall in love? Pin it, like it, share it!

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