Jessica Jade

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How to Choose Skin Care for Your Skin Type

Surprise- all skincare product will not work for your skin! How do you find the product that’s ideal for you? Select skincare for your skin type! Not your best friend, not your sister, not the lady at the grocery store! Finding skincare for your skin type is the most imperative step in protecting, hydrating, and healing your skin! Below are 4 Tips you can use to find your ideal skincare products and different products and ingredients you can use for your skin type:

  1. Don’t jump on the bandwagon! TikTok, Instagram, and skin bloggers don’t know what’s best for your skin. What works for them might leave your skin in a disastrous place! One way to learn what your skin needs at this moment is to cleanse your face and allow it to breathe without any skincare products for 24-hours! Might seem like a long time but every 3-6 months, I allow my skin to speak to me. If it immediately becomes oily, I know my skin needs products that balance oil production! If it begins to feel tight and itchy, I require hydration!

  2. If you don’t have the patience to wait for 24-hours or if, quite frankly, your skin cannot withstand being without product for 24-hours, a quick test to take at home only requires one piece of tissue paper. In fact, it can be done with half a ply of toilet paper. All you have to do is cleanse your face, and once it dries, place the half-ply of tissue paper onto your forehead and cheeks. If your tissue falls off your face and your skin feels dry, you most likely have dry skin. If it sticks onto your face easily, you may have oily skin. If it sticks slightly but can easily fall off, your skin type may be combination.

  3. Switch your skincare with the season. Yes, you heard that correctly! You may think your skincare no longer works because your skin became accustomed to your products. But the truth is that your skin may have different needs based on the season! At the end of Summer, I find that my skin requires a bit more hydration. Why? Cold air dries your skin because the humidity level outside drops! On the other hand, you may have oily skin and find that you might not require more hydration at all! That’s the key! Understanding what your skin requires and how it feels in every season, allows you to select the best product for you in that season.

  4. Take a quick skin quiz and call it a day! I personally became tired of trying to figure out my skincare type every single season or when my skin fluctuated. That’s why I created a Skin Quiz that allows you to seamlessly input information about your skin, and not only informs you of your skin type when you’re unsure, but it also provides product suggestions! Here’s the Discover Your Skin Type Skin Quiz!

Below are three skin types and what products are best for you!

  • Dry and Sensitive Skin requires all kinds of hydration, moisture, and gentle! Why? More than likely your skin is either unable to lock in and retain moisture, and this means that products with ingredients that exfoliate dead skin cells, replenish hydration, and lock in moisture! Seek ingredients like rosewater, glycolic acid, jojoba oil, and shea butter. The Hydrate Body Duo Kit is perfect for those with dry or sensitive skin.

  • Oily and Acne-prone Skin means that your skin produces an excess amount of sebum aka oil. This by no means your skin doesn’t require oil or that you should reach for oil-free products. Both of these strategies DO NOT work! What it does mean is that your skin requires products that are non-comedogenic and that do not clog your pores. Products such as Facial Oils are surprisingly well-equipped at balancing oily production in oily skin types reducing acne and breakouts.

  • Combination Skin might seem like the easiest skin type to manage but the truth is that at times it can be more difficult to treat. It’s not simply dry or oily. It may have acne in some areas and not others. It may even be drastically different from your forehead to your chin. My approach for combination skin type is to give it a little bit of everything it may need. Kits like the Bright Face Kit provide your skin with hydration, moisture, and nourishing ingredients that will allow your skin to balance oil production.

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